Preserving Classes

We are excited to continue offering preserving classes at The Depanneur in 2014. Stay tuned for details.

Interested in learning how to preserve in the privacy of your own home. I am offering individual or group home classes. I will come prepared with the recipe, the tools and the supplies. You and your friends will walk away with the knowledge and some tasty treats. If this sounds interesting send me an email.

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When something simple makes it all worthwhile


I have what could be considered a bad habit. Every day while I eat my breakfast before work I check twitter, facebook and the news. Then I spend most of my day plastered to my computer at work, then I come home and write a blog post or do some research or head to the commercial kitchen to create something tasty.

There are a couple of potential bad habits hidden in the above paragraph:

1) checking facebook and twitter every day first thing in the morning

2) checking it while I am eating my breakfast really has to stand alone as a potential bad habit all on it's own

3) I seem to never stop and work almost all the time (with an episode of The Wire thrown in as relaxation ;)

At times, I question whether something needs to change. Then, this morning this was posted on my wall and made all those questions disappear. I do what I do because I love it and I believe that comes across in each and every jar of Manning Canning.


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