June 8th, 1938 - 1942

I can only describe the last 10 days as crazy busy. Between commercial kitchen days, farmer's markets, days spent weeding in the garden and just simply catching up on paperwork I am not sure which way is up. That is why I chose to ground myself with a ponder through my gran's journal. No matter how busy I feel I am, her journal always makes me feel somewhat lazy and appreciate how great I have it.
June 8, 1938
Clear and bright in morning Cloudy, windy and dust storm in the afternoon. Children play ball regardless. Win against Battle Ridge. Drive to Grandmas. Bleeding heart broken by wind.
June 8, 1939
Cloudy this morning, still cold but no frost. Search everywhere for purse containing money for order. Afraid Dennis (NOTE THAT DENNIS IS MY DAD ;)) must have carried it about. Heavy downpour in afternoon. Roy and children soaked. Phone, tomorrow sports off. Mr Stocks borrows horse to ride to C. Manning. Charlie to Delane for horse in evening.
June 8, 1940
Raining, but steady and warm. Make dress for Rosemary and Carol. Fix Jeanne's coat. Plans for picnic off. Roy fixes brakes in car. Plans to attend Czar track meet are off
June 8, 1941
Sun. Mice day. Roy and children off to mass. I stay with the little ones, get dinner. Plan for camp 7th. Rita, Jeanne and Kenny bring in crow feet. Young crows leaving nest. Cloudy at night. Hope for rain.
June 8, 1942
First exam. Health. Not too bad. Mrs Abrassart died at noon. Donations toward wreath. Canned 6 qts rhubarb. Ike brought oats.
Her last entry made me smile about the rhubarb. Today at the farmer's market I sold out of my Rhubarb Vanilla Jam and the Rhubarb Brandy Vanilla Jam. Perhaps I was channeling her today;)
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